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Clients get a comprehensive mind/body consultation, nutritional/diet counseling, and recommendations on unique ways to use herbs, diet and stress reduction techniques to support their mind/body health.

All-Inclusive sessions cost $197 USD

Whole Food Plant-Based
Yoga Brew Body Type match to herb and food.png

Whole Health Consultation
Includes mind/body strategies that  may increase your vitality and inoculate you to the toxic effects of stress. 

 Whole health is a balance of all four levels within a person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I use planetary herbalism (combination of western herbs, traditional Chinese medicine TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine) and medical astrology to do assessments.

Session includes:

  • a pre-visit assessment before pop-in

  • a 30 min. in-person differential analysis to further assess current health goals and challenges

  •  Recommendations of herbs that correspond to your unique health goals and needs.

  • You are provided samples from  Herbal Apothecary

  • Recommendations for a planetary diet : a diet that matches Ayurvedic body type/energy, is organic, is non-GMO, has no chemicals additives or preservatives, is unrefined and is locally grown.

  • Session can be done in person or virtually

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